- English
- Wooyoung and IU both like the color yellow
- A lollypop sold out due to the Milky Couple
- Couple Names Milky fans are lollypops
- IU brings a doll Jason on MV "My Heart is Beating" along with Lee Joon
- Wooyoung and IU always count 1 2 3 before doing something
- Ever at an event, call the IU Wooyoung fun but IU did not know that it Wooyoung. And the people around him already knew from his voice when it Wooyoung
- Wooyoung never ngedate and dating, so IU one of the girls who could be close to Wooyoung
- In some photos Behind The Scene Dream High, there are pictures taken during her birthday * Kim Soo Hyun *, but instead Couple Milky face-to-eye
- In Episode 15 Dream High, Jason kissing his nose for Wooyoung IU and it was the first time he kissed a woman other than his mother
- After the Dream High end, IU and IU Wooyoung eat together and who will treat Wooyoung, but in the middle of dinner, he was confused by the current bill and would pay was already paid by Wooyoung. IU is very embarrassed at the time
- IU call Wooyoung as "oppa"
- Wooyoung call the IU as Jason called Pilsuk ie "Miss Sushi"
- IU Wooyoung promised to buy her one day
- At dinner, IU did not dare look at the face because it's very embarrassed Wooyoung
- Wooyoung once said "IU is a very wise and simple. After interacting with her, I feel he is a friend who is very comfortable to talk "
- Wooyoung: "If there are no kissing scenes set with IU, then even If I have to clear my schedule, I'll be sure to film one"
- Wooyoung ideal type is someone who can communicate well with him. And for him the IU is a person who can communicate well
- For Wooyoung not important whether he should be smart to dance or not, if he is not good at dancing Wooyoung will teach him
- Wooyoung have many number of women but it's just a friend
- IU: "I'm worried as I can not Communicate well with people I'm not close with, but Wooyoung oppa initiate to help me and now We Are close to each other"

- Indonesian :
- Wooyoung dan IU sama -sama menyukai warna kuning
- Sebuah lollypop terjual habis karena Milky Couple
- Nama fans Milky Couple adalah lollypops
- IU membawa boneka Jason di MV “My Heart is Beating” bersama dengan Lee Joon
- Wooyoung dan IU selalu menghitung 1 2 3 sebelum melakukan sesuatu
- Pernah di suatu acara, Wooyoung iseng menelepon IU tapi IU tidak tahu bahwa itu Wooyoung. Padahal orang-orang di sekitarnya sudah tahu dari suaranya kalau itu Wooyoung
- Wooyoung belum pernah ngedate dan berpacaran, jadi IU salah satu cewek yang bisa dekat dengan Wooyoung
- Di beberapa foto Behind The Scene Dream High, ada yang sedang berfoto *saat ultahnya Kim Soo Hyun* tetapi Milky Couple malah tatap-tatapan
- Di Episode 15 Dream High, Jason mencium hidungnya IU dan bagi Wooyoung itu adalah pertama kalinya ia mencium wanita selain ibunya
- Setelah Dream High berakhir, IU dan Wooyoung makan bersama dan IU lah yang akan mentraktir Wooyoung, tetapi ditengah-tengah makan malam, dia bingung dengan tagihannya dan saat akan membayar ternyata sudah dibayar oleh Wooyoung. IU sangat malu pada saat itu
- IU memanggil Wooyoung dengan sebutan “Oppa”
- Wooyoung memanggil IU sama seperti Jason memanggil Pilsuk yaitu “Miss Sushi”
- IU berjanji pada Wooyoung akan mentraktirnya suatu saat nanti
- Saat makan, IU tidak berani melihat muka Wooyoung karena sangat malu
- Wooyoung pernah bilang “IU adalah orang yang sangat bijaksana dan sederhana. Setelah berinteraksi dengannya, saya merasa dia adalah teman yang sangat nyaman untuk diajak berbicara”
- Wooyoung : “If there are no kiss scenes set with IU, then even If I have to clear my schedule, I’ll be sure to film one”
- Tipe ideal Wooyoung adalah orang yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dengannya. Dan bagi dia IU adalah orang yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Bagi Wooyoung tidak penting apakah dia harus pintar menari atau tidak, kalau dia tidak pandai menari Wooyoung akan mengajarinya
- Wooyoung punya banyak nomor perempuan tetapi itu hanya sekedar teman
- IU : “I’m worried as I can’t communicate well with people I’m not close with, but Wooyoung oppa initiate to help me and now we are close to each other”
credit to : Revolution Generation Korean Lovers
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