RAWR Kpop Shop
We are opening to whom wanna join in our shop as reseller. We kind have some KPOP Stuff in our shop, and gladly welcome to Reseller.
We have stuff like :
Shoes (Made By Request)
Bags (Made By Request)
Tumblrs (Made By Request)
Head Phones (Made By Request)
Laptop's Accesories
(Made By Request)
(Laptop's Skin)
<blink> Do you wanna be our reseller? Yes? </blink>
How to :
1. Follow us at @rawr_kpopshop
for knowing new stuff listing in our shop
2. Send a form application to us
rawr_kpopshop@yahoo.co.id or
add BB : 3268CDFE (for fast respond)
add BB : 3268CDFE (for fast respond)
Name :
Shop's Name:
Shop's Link :
Contacts Number :
Thing you wanna reseller :
3. Once we accepted, you're gonna getting our catalogs, along with our prices listing :)
Surely, by being our reseller, you'll get NO disadvantage :D